Using VistaDB Express with BlogEngine.NET 1.4

Capture Now that the latest version of BlogEngine.NET is out, it is easier than ever to get your blog running with VistaDB Express.  I’ve been using VistaDB Express with BlogEngine.NET for a little while now and just love it.  I’ve become a fan of the lightweight, file based database for a single user blog.  I think it is a perfect way to store your blog data.  Enough of my gushing already, let’s get on the real info.

Getting BlogEngine.NET 1.4 to work with VistaDB is super easy, but will require you to upload a few more files.  I’ve put together a new screencast that will walk you through the steps, show you exactly what to do and what changes are being made.

It is incredibly simple however.  You simply download the BlogEngine 1.4 VistaDB Express Pack, unzip it, upload 3 files, and enjoy the goodness that is VistaDB Express and BlogEngine.NET 1.4.  In the screencast, I also take a little time to walk you through the main changes made to the web.config to make this work.

If you are starting a new BlogEngine.NET blog, I strongly recommend it.  If you already have a BlogEngine.NET blog and want to convert over to it, I’ll get to that soon.  I promise. :)