BlogEngine.NET 1.5 Released

benlogo80 The BlogEngine.NET team is pleased to announce that the final version of BlogEngine.NET 1.5 is now available for download.  We had a good test run with the release candidate released earlier and after making a few small updates and bug fixes, the final version is ready to go.

As I mentioned in my previous post, this release has some great features and lots of performance improvements and bug fixes that make 1.5 a great upgrade for the existing BlogEngine user and wonderful option for someone just starting out.

The main features are:

  1. Nested Comments can now be enabled.
  2. BlogEngine.NET runs on Mono 2.4 out of the box.
  3. Windows Live Writer support is superb and includes the new tagging feature that only BlogEngine.NET and WordPress support.
  4. TinyMCE was updated for the web based writer.

You can download it here and then watch the installation screencasts if you need any help getting started.