Email from ProfitTrain with Sparrow via AppleScript
I use an app called ProfitTrain to handle invoicing my customers and keeping track of expenses. It works well for my basic needs.
More recently, I switched over to using Sparrow as my mail client. I’ve noticed since I’ve made the change that it will still pull up my old mail client when I send my invoice to my clients however. I decided to dig into that and clean that up.
In ProfitTrain, there is an option to install a custom email applescript and when you select it, you are given a basic script which works with the mail app and a few others to work with. I was able to modify this to get it working. Below is the code you will need:
-- Script using Sparrow
on mail_invoice(subject_line, to_name, to_address, attachment_path)
tell application "Sparrow"
set attachmentfilename to (POSIX file attachment_path) as string
set myMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:subject_line, content:"Your invoice is attached."}
tell myMessage
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:to_name, address:to_address}
make new mail attachment with properties {filename:attachmentfilename as alias}
end tell
end tell
end mail_invoice
For those less adventurous, you can download the entire script file below.