Installing BlogEngine.NET with the Microsoft Web App Gallery


Today, Microsoft announced the new Web Application Gallery where you can browse and install web application right to your web server.

We were honored to have BlogEngine.NET included in the initial release of the gallery and enjoyed working with the team at Microsoft to get it ready for the Mix 09 release.

I made a quick screencast tonight to show you exactly what it is like to install BlogEngine using the new installer.  It is now even simpler to get setup with BlogEngine.NET as the installer will check your dependencies and make sure you have everything you need in place to get up and running.

The installer will setup your blog with an XML backend at this time.  You can then convert it to use SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, or VistaDB after you’ve got up and running with XML.  We will work on getting more options available for the release of BlogEngine.NET 1.5.