Live Writer Tagging Feature in BlogEngine.NET

This week, the Live Writer team released the first release candidate for Live Writer 2009.  The latest version has continue to build on the betas from the fall and is just a really nice blogging tool.  The update has a new look and bunch of new stuff you can read about other places, but I wanted to write about the new server-side tagging feature that is available for the BlogEngine.NET bloggers using and beyond.

tags When using the newest Live Writer and a fairly current build of BlogEngine.NET you will get a new Tags entry box right next to the categories drop down.  While BlogEngine.NET users have always been able to enter tags in Live Writer using the Keywords box, the new box does a lookup as you type so you can see the tags you’ve already entered and select them from a list. Our complete tag list button is still available for viewing all your tags, but this new list is pretty handy. 

tagsinaction I really like the way the Live Writer team is pushing the API and allowing developers to enhance the Live Writer experience. If the cool stuff Live Writer allows your favorite blog software to do isn’t enough, there are 100s of plug ins that add even more functionality. I look forward to seeing what new functionality they offer us next.