Simple Subversion Server

VisualSVN Server (2) As I alluded to in my last post, I recently suffered a hard drive crash and I'm working on getting things setup at home again.

As I usually do, I'm making some changes to my setup as I've found better things and one of those things is VisualSVN Server.

VisualSVN is a product that allows you to use Subversion inside Visual Studio.  Well, the same people now offer a free product call VisualSVN Server which will setup a subversion server (along with Apache for web) and gives you a simple windows management interface which has the style just like server management console.  It made setup a breeze and allowed me to get my repositories online in no time at all. 

I was not excited to find the Apache links and getting that going since I've only done it twice before, but liked having subversion setup that way.  This program did all the work and while I don't expect to spend huge amounts of time in the Server console, I'm pleased to have a familiar interface when I need to mange things.