Updating to VistaDB Express 3.4

vistadb As I’ve stated in the past, I use VistaDB Express to store the data for this blog. I really like the clean gui interface and the fact that it matches the SQL Server data types so well. It has been a pleasure to work with from my perspective.

I have not taken the plunge and purchased a full license as I don’t need it.  I have been checking in on VistaDB’s blog and forums however.  They have been busy making updates and fixed a minor issue I had been having with the express edition.  While the progress was great news, it didn’t help me as the express edition hadn’t received any of these updates.  Finally, last week, just a few days as I was planning a workaround to my issue, the updated Express edition was released.

Tonight, I finally got around to updating my blog from VistaDB Express 3.3 to 3.4.  The process was pretty simple.

  1. Backup your blog. Not really needed, but skip at your own peril.
  2. Download and install VistaDB Express 3.4 to get the updated VistaDB.NET20.DLL.
  3. Edit your web.config and change the VistaDB assembly from “” to “”.  My web.config had this in information in 4 places.  The DbProviderFactories section, the runtime section, and the system.web assemblies section.
  4. Upload and overwrite the edited web.config (root) and the VistaDB.NET20.DLL (Bin folder).

There aren’t a lot of benefits to the this update that you’ll notice in BlogEngine.NET 1.4.5, but BlogEngine.NET 1.5 setup will be expecting the latest version in the default config.