Upgrade to DasBlog

Well, I finally moved over to a real blog engine. So far so good.

I'll miss my home grown blog project. It really did everything I needed and it was fun to tinker with it, but I'll admit I've gotten inspired a bit by some of Phil Haack's recent posts (here and here) regarding open source development. I figured moving to an open source engine would clean up my feature to do list and free up my time to looking into an open source project.

I've played with DasBlog before, but it has added quite a bit since than (or at least it seems that way). It does seem much cleaner now and was a breeze to get setup. It also has more features than you can shake a stick at. The development team has really done a great job with this project and I'm thankful that I can use the software, learn from the code, and extend it if I would ever choose to.

SubText did look very nice as well. I had used .Text many moons ago and was looking forward to giving SubText a good trial run, but I've been having a speed issue with SQL access on my web hosting account and SubText was effected as well. (I do realze that the SQL issue is something that I'll need to address, but it will require moving to a different web hosting provider and I didn't want to tackle that until the end of the year.)

Anyway, if any of my vast readership has problems with the update, let me know.