Windows Live Writer Customization

After I got over the initial disappointment of the BlogEngine.NET error with the latest release of Windows Live Writer (WLW) and the lack of XHTML compliance, I've gotten more and more excited by the potential of the new manifest system they've put in place for blog software to add specific features for their users.

Initially, I couldn't think of too many things that would be great additions.  Scott Hanselman showed off Das Blog showing referrers from inside WLW,  While really cool, it didn't seem too useful to me.  It might be to others however.  I rarely look at referrer stats and when I do, it never has anything to do writing a post.

Anyway, I'm going to try to implement a few of the ideas I came up with for BlogEngine.NET over the next day or two, but was wondering if others had ideas of things they wanted to see from inside WLW.  If you have any ideas, let me know.