Bruges Chocolates

Bruges Chocolates Tuesday, October 27, we went to the Choco-Story Museum. I loved it! At the check-in the lady added 5 chocolate bars with the receipt, yum! Read More

The continent at last!

The continent at last! Whew we're on the continent at last! But let me back up a bit. On Monday morning after leaving London we drove to Dover and looked at one of the oldest castle in Europe. Read More

A day in Whitby

A day in Whitby On Wednesday, October 13, five of us (dad stayed home to work) went to Whitby on an old antique train. The train ride was slow but beautiful. On the ride we saw lots of pheasants and other wildlife. Read More

Better late than never

Better late than never Time has flown and here I sit in front of an incomplete post from way back in Iceland. I find that my attention is torn in so many directions I am forgetting to have myself write. Read More