A day in Edinburgh

Today we went to Edinburgh, the trip there was uncomfortable because, Jack, Betsy and I got carsick. When we got there we found a parking lot and started to walk to a place where walking tours were supposed to meet and start. On the way we stopped at a shop where Jack and Landon got to hold some birds. Jack held a Great Horned owl, and Landon held a falcon, inside Betsy bought a mood ring that changes color and a chart to interpret it.

We got to the tour and started. A lady named Kim Kean did the tour, she talked about the history of Scotland. It was much more interesting then our regular history we do at home.

On the tour she showed us a lot of churches and graveyards, at one in particular there was a story about a man and a dog.

A man named John had a job doing night patrol around the city. It was a dangerous job and John wanted a assistant to help protect him. But his boss wouldn't help him, but gave him money to buy a dog instead.

So he bought the most ferocious dog he could find. He stood about 12 inches tall, and 20 inches long, and he named the beast: Bobby.

When John finally died, Bobby stayed at the grave for 13 years and lived to be 16 years old. He lived on treats people gave him. But a law said that a stray dog had to be killed. People loved him so much that instead they gave him 'the keys to the city' making him a citizen, and a collar to show it. When Bobby died he was buried outside the graveyard because dogs were not allowed inside, a stone memorial is inside the graveyard for Bobby.

At the 15 minute break in the middle of the 2 1/2 hour tour, we went to Mary's Milk Bar for hot chocolate.

It was good, it tasted like dark chocolate. The rest of the tour was semi interesting. After the tour we went walking and looked at lots of shops. At one shop I bought an apron and Dad bought a t-shirt. More shops and we found a place to eat dinner, called Uncles. Then we headed home.

Note: Most souvenier shops have bagpipes!