A day in Switzerland

Sunday Nov.15, we went to Switzerland. And when you are in Switzerland where do you go? To Heidi's house in the Alps, of course! Before we passed the border I know we were close to Switzerland. The Alps looming ahead were a big reminder. There were many signs for "Heididorf", finally we parked at a hotel and started to walk a path, proudly pointing to Heididorf.

I loved the path; a good, hill-high view, the cows tolling their huge cow-bells as they walked below, and the path itself a nice uneven dirt path. At the end there was yet another path beside some buildings on the right, a goat pen for petting the goats, and some plastic cows for sitting on.

Betsy, Jack, Landon and I got on the cows, one was a much, much, smaller version of a real calf, Betsy sat on it, there was a big cow on the grass, Jack sat on that, and a big cow standing that I sat on, my cow was too tall for Landon to get on and he didn't want to sit with Jack and Betsy so he stood beside the cow I was on. After that we went to get tickets at one of the buildings. When we finished doing that we went to Heidi's house, a house just like it would have been near the top of the Alps. It was interesting, there were wax figures of Heidi and Peter sitting at a table. Heidi was reading in the book of Matthew in the Bible!

Then we started on the path leading up the mountain. It was tiring work, and progress was slow. On the path there were information boards telling what happened at that point. One of them had a spring for drinking, it was so good. We didn't have far to go, 4 miles is all, but it was so steep that it seemed 100 miles.

We were pretty close to the top, Jack and I were in the lead, we stopped at an information board waiting for the others to catch up and then we realized that Mom, Dad, Betsy, and Landon, were not coming. We looked at a couple side trails until we heard Dad coming down the mountain to get us. It turned out that they had walked up a short cut and then we had missed each other. At the top there was a small restaurant but we didn't get anything, it was all beer and pretzels, and we didn't have Swiss francs. Later we learned that they probably would have accepted Euros. We walked back to the car, and went back home to Germany.