A day in Whitby

On Wednesday, October 13, five of us (dad stayed home to work) went to Whitby on an old antique train. The train ride was slow but beautiful. On the ride we saw lots of pheasants and other wildlife.

When we got to Whitby we ate our packed lunches and headed to Whitby Museum. After being puzzled why the museum was not on the map, we saw a sign for Pannet Park Museum and Art Gallery, we decided to go there and found out it was the museum we were looking for. Whitby Museum was very interesting, there was a lot in it. There was a geology section (which had a lot of fossils), model ships and shipbuilding, explorers from around the world, local artifacts and general life, mounted birds and animals, period costumes, and a huge art gallery, among many other things.

We looked briefly at the art gallery and went to the playground out back because Landon wanted to.

We ascended 199 steps to Whitby Abbey. Most of the frame of the original building was still standing but heavily damaged by time and the Protestants.

After the abbey we went to a jetstone museum and took a look around. Whitby is one of the only places there is jetstone. We saw the tools from an old jet factory. A man had a small stall where he was creating the jet jewelry that was for sale there.

Mom read about a recommended ice cream parlor in Whitby so we searched for it and got ice cream cones. I tried fig ice cream. It was really good! I too can recommend this place, Teare Wood. We sat in the ice cream parlor to eat it. On the wall was a sign that said: Many people have eaten in this kitchen and gone on to lead healthy and normal lives.

We went window shopping while we slowly went towards the train station. I like the cobblestone streets. At a bakery, we bought some rolls to eat on the train ride. We also looked for socks for Bria. At a grocery store we bought whole dates and fish & chip crackers, also for the train ride. The crackers were salt and vinegar flavored, shaped like fish and chips (we would call chips french fries).

Dad picked us up at the train station in Pickering.