About Our Christmas

I am so excited to get home, we will be home in 17 days! I had a hard time deciding what to write about this time. Mom gave me lots of ideas and Dad told me a bunch of ideas also. I have decided on writing about our Christmas day. Our Christmas was a quiet day, we played games, ate food, watched a movie, and just sat around. Christmas was not the same away from home. I was wishing to be able to open one or two presents, but Mom and Dad said that this trip is our Christmas present this year. Each of us did get a Toblerone, which is a Swiss Chocolate Honey and Almond Nougat bar. I am saving mine . I only eat a small triangle every other day. :) And a bag of "gooby gumbos" which are sourpatch gummies.

On Christmas morning I got up and made a fire. That is my job every morning, I love doing it, every day I go and fill up the wheelbarrow full of wood. I have to go to the top of the hill that we live on and fill up the wheelbarrow and then bring it back down the hill. I get up between 6:30am and 7:30am. When I build the fire in the morning I get to enjoy it for about an hour without anyone else because they are all in bed! On Christmas morning I did not get to enjoy the fire for an hour by myself. Jack, Briana, Landon, and I were up early. About 8am Mom and Dad got up, Mom made Pancakes! We all love our Mom's pancakes, they are so good. We ate them with Nutella, syrup, honey, and peanut butter.

Almost every morning we go up to our host's house at 10am to feed his 2 bunny's, Christmas morning was no exception. He also has 200 fish, but we don't feed them regularly. Right after we got back from doing the bunny's we watched A Christmas Carol. I love the movie, Landon is on the fence about it, Jack and Briana like it too. Jack sat around and did computer programming, and Landon played solitaire. :) I walked around, kept the fire going, and played games. In the afternoon about, 1 or 2pm, Jack, Briana, and Landon went out to explore the area around us. They started to make a fort at a pine tree on a hill across the valley. I came out later and gave them some food and water. About 30 mins after I came back form giving them food they came in and Mom got dinner on. She made Roasted Chicken, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli, and Baguette. For dessert we had Ice Cream and our host's Log Cake that he gave us for a Christmas present. I was very stuffed after that meal!

In the evening we played games with Dad and Dad also read to us. The book was called Gregor And the Prophesy of Bane. We then went to bed.