An evening in Verona

Sunday, the 13th or December, we traveled to Italy. We had been in France for an overnight and before that Spain. On the road I tried to read off the kindle, but Dad soon put on some music. The landscape was mountains. In the distance, once I saw a peak covered in snow!

Our destination was Verona, Italy. We are here now. We learned that the day we arrived was St. Lucia's day. It is the day they give their Christmas gifts here in Verona and northern Italy. The 14th of December we drove close to the old part of the city and had trouble parking because lots of cars were there too. When we finally parked, we had to walk quite a way until we got to the bridge Dad wanted to cross into the city. The bridge is over the River Adige, The river goes right through the city, partly encircling the old city of Verona.

After we crossed the bridge, we walked where we pleased, hoping to find the Christmas Markets. They were easy to find. The sun was almost down and the Christmas lights were sparkling and bright. I liked the icicle lights the best of all in the Christmas markets. The icicles were hanging in a web over the plaza where most of the the stalls were.

We saw a whale's rib hanging under a stone arched gate over the gray cobbled street It is said that it will fall on the first just person who walks under it. It has been there for hundreds of years. I guess Jesus never visited Verona.

Past the whale's rib arch, is more Christmas markets and beyond is another arch and then you look amazed at some exotic things shooting out of the fence in front of you. They are the Scaligeri tombs of the ruling family of Verona in the 13th and 14th century, built for themselves when they died. Perhaps they where worried that people would not remember them as highly as when living, and built the tombs high so as to be looked up to forever. Beside these tombs is the Scala family's church.

We wandered about the Christmas markets for a little while before heading home, as we crossed the bridge again we saw a manger scene on a roof, to wrap up the evening. Note: Not all those that wander are lost.