
We got to Bologna and what was our first challenge?

To find parking. Boring.

Were we able to park where we first wanted to?


I felt like we were going to crash. Narrow roads. Some cars thought Dad was driving too slow. Some cars were driving too fast. I was getting confused about the roads, we were taking too many left and right turns. It was crowded and noisy, cars and people. Especially motorcycles and car horns. BeeeeeP!

Did we ever find parking?

Yes, and then we started walking.

What are your memories of the town?

Busy, very busy.

We saw two above ground tombs.

We saw lots of people playing instruments in big open areas, plazas. Statues, fountains, cathedrals, shops, and stands. I even saw an icecream shop where you could pick out your own icecream, sort of like at SweetFrog. I saw stores with oranges, apples, pineapples, cherries, pots, pans, beer, wine, everything. People trying to sell books. We saw houses that looked like small palaces.

Were you hungry?

Yes! We got pizza squares with frenchfries on top at a takeaway restaurant. First, after we ate pizza, I saw a huge tower that was really tall, when we went there we saw another tower beside it that was leaning. We could not go inside it but the tall one you could [498 steps to the top, we did not try it]. Mom took some pictures.

We walked down a street and saw a Christmas market and we got some candy-like stuff called [torrone]. We saw a stand that had whittling knives and around it were carved ducks.

On our way back to the car we saw shops and stands and a few banks where you had to use a cc to open the door. We needed an ATM because we needed some cash.

Sort of boring, but when you are not expecting it, exciting! like the towers, markets, and the ducks!