Bruges Chocolates

Tuesday, October 27, we went to the Choco-Story Museum. I loved it! At the check-in the lady added 5 chocolate bars with the receipt, yum! Elizabeth and Jack ate their bars at the beginning, Landon ate his in the middle of the museum for some reason, I put mine in my pocket and Mom did the same. We climbed a stairs, we stopped at lots of rooms on the way; only one held particular interest, it was the cocoa room. It had real sized cocoa beans on display, the only reason I liked it was because it was jungle painted (the other rooms had white paint) and the way the things were displayed. On the top floor was a film, it told us how chocolate was made and is still made. We walked down the stairs and went left at the 1st floor, down a passageway and into a room where there were lots of things made of chocolate. A sign said not to touch.

From there we went to a room that was almost empty but 2 benches and a huge old wooden case with glass doors and 2 dead ducks carved hanging by their feet from the top. This was where a demonstration was to take place for us to watch from behind a line. It was semi interesting, the guy doing it gave us a chocolate sample in the middle of the speech and afterwards a star of filled chocolate that he had made in an earlier demonstration. When he was finished we went home.