Day 102

Christmas Eve we stayed home and cleaned up the house. Mom made good food for Christmas. In the morning we again fed the rabbits, but not the fish. Mark wanted the fish to be good and hungry for his company of friends to feed on Christmas.

Most of the day Jack, Bria, and Landon were out in the woods building a fort. I stayed inside and read books and listened to Christmas music. Mom made decorations to set around for Christmas and then added all of our fruit that we had bought with the decorations. She also finished getting the tree ready. The header picture is decorations she made.

From the house we could see far across the valley to the fort that Jack, Bria, and Landon were building. They decided to make it against a sappy pine tree. With big branches they made the skeleton and then with large fern fronds and tall grasses they closed it in. The tan circle is where they’re working and the red square is where the fort is.

While they were out there they got really muddy including shoes soaked through and through. :P When they came in from playing I made the fire big again and we started the drying process. Fortunately this house had wonderful hot radiators that were convenient for draping and setting things on to dry.

In the evening I roasted chestnuts and ate them! I love roasted chestnuts. And while I was roasting them I was listening to a song sung by John Denver called, Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire.

After dinner we turned off all the lights (much to Bria delight!), and lit candles. Then Mom read to us, Why The Chimes Rang. Dad also read a couple chapters of, Letters From Father Christmas.