Day 121

For breakfast this morning we went down to the bakery to get our free pastries. The host of the house we were staying is the owner of the bakery below us and she allows her guests one complimentary pastry every morning. We loved it and all wished we could have stayed longer. In the picture below
1. Mom
2. Jack
3. Dad
4. Landon
5. Bria
6. Elizabeth

We finished packing our belongings and straightened up the house. When everything was out in the car we gave the key back to the bakery and headed to a little town outside of Paris called, Coupvray. There we stayed two nights before flying home.

The drive to Coupvray was a good 5 hour drive. In that amount of time we listened to a lot of audio story and enjoyed the thought of returning home in two days! When we arrived at the house we got the key and went in and made ourselves at home. Our hostess, Sophie, came later to welcome us. She was really nice and showed us the flyers of all the things we could do in our 1 full day there. She did not know English that well but she new enough to tell us about the house and where the grocery store was.

After our hostess left we went grocery shopping. At home again we sat around talking about PA. Around 8:30pm we headed off to bed.