Day 123

Home to PA today! When Mom woke us up, it was still dark outside and I did not wait to get up until I remembered that we were flying home today! Bria and I got up right when Mom called, but the boys kept sleeping. Bria and I packed up our stuff, took all the bedding off our beds and brought it downstairs to the laundry. Downstairs Mom was finishing details. I ate breakfast even though I did not feel good.

We left the house around 7:15am, to go to the Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris! It was quite dark outside so it felt really early but our host was concerned that we would not make it in time. Our plane left at 11:45am, but we had to return our car and that took some time. Dad dropped us off at the terminal and went to find where to return the car. We really did not have to wait for the plane very long. I had just started to listen to a story and when over the loud speaker “Boarding gate B10”. It was 10:45am that we got on a bus and rode out to the plane! The plane was white with big purple WOW letters, just like I was hoping for. We had flown from Baltimore to Iceland in a purple plane with white lettering and now the opposite.

Standing in the bus waiting to get off and board the plan it started to drizzle. When they finally let us off we walked up the ramp and said hello to the flight attendants and walked toward the back of the plane. My seat was 32C, and I sat with Mom and Landon on either side of me. Landon wanted the window seat and Dad, Jack, and Bria were right across from us and Bria got the window seat. As we flew out of Paris I looked down and guess what I saw?!?! I saw the Eiffel tower, and that was the last thing I saw of Paris! During the ride I played on the mini iPad and listened to an audio story.

The next thing we knew the flight attendant was saying please buckle your seat belts we are landing in Iceland. All that we saw of Iceland was ice, snow, and the airport in Keflavik, Iceland. We found the boarding gate E39, and bought more sandwiches for dinner, and as we were buying the sandwiches the gate opened up for us to board. We quickly hurried to get our stuff and we were one of the first people on the plane. The reason we like to be the first is so that Dad hash time to cram our 6 bags above our seats. We boarded the plane at 2:45pm and we were in the air at 3:30pm! My seat for this ride was 31B, and I again had the middle seat. Beside me toward the isle was Dad and to my left was a lady from the Netherlands.

The whole time we were in the air we saw the sun. It was cool to be able to see the sun the entire time. On the plan we ate our sandwiches which were not very good. Landon’s was the worst, Dad Jack, Bria, Mom and I had OK……sandwiches, but not great, some us could not even finish them they were so poor. Listen up Iceland, you might want to improve your airport food!

During the plane ride I listened to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I also watched Dad play solitaire. Landon played on the mini iPad and Jack and Bria played on the pink iPhone. This plan ride seem to last for a very long time. At one point leaving Iceland I saw water and as we got closer to the U.S.A, I saw land and wondered where we were, but Dad said not close to Baltimore. When the flight attendants finally said we had to put on our seat belts, we were all very excited! I remember the plane first hitting the ground and saying welcome home again!

When we were off the plane we walked to the checking line and waited a very long time. When it finally was our turn we stepped up, they said we were good and we headed on our way to get the checked bag. I found it, and we then headed to find Kenton Baer. By this time it was dark outside and the air was cooler. Dad and Kenton were texting back and forth, Dad telling Kenton where we were when I looked up the road to the left and saw the while mini van. A beat up old white minivan never looked so good!

We arrived home around 9pm. Inside the house we found lots of food, a banner welcoming us home and the fridge full of more food. There was even a jar of homemade granola that I had been longing for. What a wonderful welcome home! We were quite tired and it felt so good to climb in my own bed again.

Sneak peak into the next day! The next morning we were up at 8-8:30am. Mom and Landon then left to go get his cast cut off and the rest of us started unpacking. In the evening Dad drove me 1 hour to a friends house for a bible study!