Day 13

Today is the day we left Iceland and flew to England! We left the Golden Circle house. In order to leave it felt we had to make it look as if no one had ever stayed in the house. To clean the house we had to strip the beds and but all the bedding and towels on the bathroom floor. Also had to wipe countertops, making sure you did not leave anything. The very last thing you do is sweep the floor on your way out, sort of like BabaYaga leaving no tracks behind. We then locked the house, put the key in the lockbox beside the door, and drove away. We left the house around 11am to go to the airport sometime before lunch. Our plane left at 4pm, I think. When we got to Keflavik airport, we had to find where to park Mom’s car. Unbeknownst to us until much later, this is where the first major bad thing happened. Mom left her credit card in her car in the Keflavik airport. :/ Next was to stow the carseats, laundry (that we did not have time to wash), and a couple other things in the the hold bag before going into the airport building. I thought that the hold bag would burst, it was so full of stuff we could hardly get the zipper closed. We then checked in after finding Dad. There were long lines to wait in but we got through just a couple minutes before the boarding call came over the loudspeaker, gate 35E. It felt like a really long flight to London even though it really wasn’t long, and we were glad when we arrived there. The flight went well. After getting off the plane I felt a little plane sick, but was feeling better by the next morning. We had to find our new leased car in Heathrow airport and drive to a hostel for the night. It was dark, drizzly, and very confusing, driving on the “wrong” side of the road; that is, the left side.
A little about the hostel. The lady who was running the hostel, stayed late to let us in. We got to stay in a family room. The room was just big enough for 3 bunk beds and a tiny area to put luggage and two people to stand, that was it. Right across from our room was the bathhouse that was also very small. The room where we checked in had a kitchen, and an area to eat your meal and visit with other people that might be there also. We were not there long at all, because we had to be out the door by 8am to be able to catch the ferry in Fishguard around 2pm. So no chatting with other guests over a cup of tea for us.