Day 27

Very laid back day kind of day for us. We did school in the morning. After lunch Mom decided that we would go and see a place that I forget the name of. We got all packed up and started driving, when were were about 30 mins into the trip the road that we were to turn onto was closed. The GPS, said that to go around it would add 35 mins to the trip and still have 40 mins to get there. We then decided that we would turn around a go back to the house. The countryside on the way to and from was green and fresh looking. There was much rolling farmland with hay bales laying on the fields. Cows, sheep, and horses were grazing in their pasture while little breezes played with the foliage.

A little stone pyramid along the road on the way back caught Mom’s attention and we stopped and looked, there were stone steps leading up to it. We had no idea what it was, other than that it appeared to be some sort of memorial to a number of men fallen in war whose names were inscribed on the side. WWII maybe? A little father down the road there was a driveway with 2 pieces of wood arching over the entrance. They looked like they were straight from the tree. each half was attached to the corresponding gate post, they then met in the middle above the drive way. It was a very interesting site. Mom wanted to see what was down the lane so we drove in. There were big willow trees swaying in the breeze and signs for campgrounds. We then guessed it was some kind of summer camp. There was also a playground with swings and slides.

After we left we headed to the store for groceries and then home. After getting home, the boys played with Rook cards, to build card houses. Bria and I joined them for a while but soon were tired of that and went to do more school on Khan Academy.