Day 3

Today, we decided to go horse-back riding. The house that we were staying in was on a horse farm and you could pay to have a guided horse ride. Our hostess had to go to another farm to borrow a horse for one of us. Dad did not go with us horse-back riding, instead he stayed back and worked. We started the ride around 11am. They took us for a generous 2 hour ride and showed us the countryside. The neighboring farm raises and trains sled dogs. We had to stop and wait before going through the farm to allow the farmer to finish feeding his dogs and get them back in the pen because the dogs scare the horses. After our long horse-back ride we had lunch. We then did not do anything other than lay around. We did try to watch a HAOH (History At Out House), but I fell asleep less than half way through that video. I did not hear much of the history lesson, which was fine with me. :)

There was a really big map of Iceland in the house and we studied it to see where we were going to be going the next day. It was hard to read the words, but we did kinda find where we were going. Mom was on the chrome book looking around for things to do on the way up to our next house in Patreksfjordur. She did not find much that was on the way up there that we would have time to do, and besides, Dad wanted to go as straight as possible.

Mom did not want to go to the store for food that day, because we were all very tired. and so she just rooted around in the cupboards and found some random things and threw them together in a dish and baked it. It was very good, surprisingly! We went to bed early again, just so we could get our sleep back that we missed.

About 20 mins after we went to bed the host came. knocked on our door, and told us that the northern lights were out! So, we got up to admire them of course! It was cold, but it was so exciting to be able to watch them! Our cameras did not take good picture at all. That was disappointing but, what could we do? One would need a tripod and time-lapse exposure maybe? to do them justice. Our host told us that the display was unusually good. When we did get back into bed, Jack stayed outside longer than the rest of us. When he finally came to bed, he bump walked into his cot which made us jump a little.