Day 70

Today we left our house in Strasbourg, France and toured the town for the morning. The day turned out to be a rainy, cold kind of day. Not the greatest for walking around to see the city. Today a year ago was a Saturday, market day I guess. We walked through an area where an entire street was closed off and there were stands of foods everywhere. There were veggies, fruits, baked goods, drinks, and many more things. We walked through it while on our way to the Strasbourg Cathedral.

When we arrived at the location there were long lines of people waiting to get into the Cathedral. Pretty quick we decided that we were not going to wait, plus we had limited time to spend in the city. Instead we went to a bakery and got a couple bread sticks and headed out.

Then started the long 4 hour drive to PARIS!! It was a long stressful drive for Dad. Once we hit Paris traffic everything changed. It was way busier, and car horns were constantly being blown. When we arrived at the Noisy-le-Grand, we entered the big shopping mall parking lot and found a parking space. We then called our host and he came and found us. He then led us to the apartment where were going to stay. After he gave us keys, all the house rules, and anything else he had to tell us; Dad, Jack, and he went and moved the car to where we were allowed to park. After we got the car there we did not move the car again for 3 days because we were not sure if we could get it back to where it was again.

So as I said, we parked in the mall parking lot, which meant that the grocery store and clothes stores and anything you could think of was there. We walked to the store every day we were in Paris! We bought more pants for the boys (Jack and Landon), because both outgrew their pants! Bria, Mom and I all got a couple things also. I got 3 shirts and my favorite pair of jeans ever! I am still wearing them! Just love them, the knees are about to wear through and when that happens I would like another pair please!

The bright light is the top of the Eiffel tower.

The apartment we stayed in was the best! I loved it. I would go back there again just to stay there in the house. One highlight about the apartment was that at night you could see the light and the outline of the Eiffel tower! That was the first thing I looked for when we got there. :)