Day 84

One year ago today. Travel day for us. We are headed to Spain. On the way we stopped to see the city of Carcassonne. We parked in a parking garage and rode the elevator up to the street. Walking into the city, we thought hmm, this does not look like it is really anything too special for the city of Carcassonne, but we did not think much about it. After walking around, looking in many different kinds of shops (1), buying long loaves of bread to munch on (2), watching people ice skate(3), and walking through markets, with lots of fresh veggies(4).

The shops were full of people. Its was cold out so everyone wanted to be inside drinking coffee or tea, and staying warm. In lots of the shops were Christmas items, bows, sweaters, mugs, toys, shirts, etc. Some of the shops were souvenir shops, with hundreds of different things.

(2) The long loaves of bread were called baguettes, we would call them ‘french bread’. It is a long loaf of bread that is soft, fluffy, and warm. If the bread gets cold it is as hard as a rock, but when it is fresh baked, it is very tender and delicious! We could eat and eat a lot of baguettes.

(3) In the center of the city, there was a ice skating rink. Most of people on the ice were learners on the ice holding on to chairs so that they would not fall. Most of the people on the ice were kids. Landon and Bria wanted to try it, but we were running out of time.

(4) It was a Saturday that we were there, and every Saturday they have a fresh food market. They have any vegetable or fruit you could want. A lot of the shops were packing up when we where there, because it was getting on towards lunch time.

When walking back to the elevator we stopped at the bathrooms. The bathrooms, when you exited them locked the door behind you and washed everything down. We did not want to have to wait that long for each wash so we did not let the door go closed until everyone had their turn.

Driving out of the parking garage and leaving the city we looked to our right and up on the hill was the REAL city of Carcassonne, that is, the old, old city with the fifty some towers. We were very disappointed that we did not get to go to that part of the city. The city that we were in was the modern city of Carcassonne. We took pictures from the road, and we headed on our way to Spain. The picture of the city is the head picture of the post.

PS: This is December 5th, post.