Day 86

To the left, After and to the right, Before.

Today was an very sad day for one of our family members. Can you guess who? It was Landon. The day started off by us getting up late, eating a slow breakfast and then slowly starting and finishing school. Dad was working and we had to be quiet for a while in the morning while he had a phone call.

As the clouds hung low and drizzled rain, Jack and Landon played with their Legos after school and until lunch. Bria and I read books on the Kindles and played on Khan Academy. After lunch Mom, said that since we were just staring at the computer screens and the boys were fighting over Legos, that we had to go the park just down the street. No one wanted to go, not even Landon, but Mom made Jack and Bria go too. I stayed home and worked on more school, and read books.

About 45 mins after they left Dad was in another phone meeting, his phone rang. He saw that it was Mom and answered it. I was laying on my bed in the back room and I heard him say, “I will be there ASAP with the car and we can take him to the hospital.” I jumped up at those words and ran to the living room, by then he was pulling on his shoes, closing down his computer, grabbing his phone, wallet, coat, and then looking at the information papers left in the house by the owners to find where the hospital was. He found it and put the address into his GPS, and told me what had happened.

To the left, before. To the right, after.

He then left and about 30 mins later Jack and Bria arrived. They then told me more about what Landon had done. Bria went swinging across a high row of dangling loops and Landon thought that he could too. He grabbed the first circle and swung out, the steel was wet from the rain earlier, and he lost his grip and fell straight down and landed on his arm. The instant he hit the ground Mom heard the snap from across the park, then crying. She ran to him and saw that his right arm close to the wrist was in a Z position.

When Dad got there, they got Landon into the car and drove to the hospital. After finding out that he would have to have surgery, they got him to a room and put him on a pain killer, Dad left and came back home. Mom then texted later when they had seen a doctor that he would be having surgery at 10pm to put 2 pins in to keep the bones in place while it healed. They would have been able to have the surgery right way except for the fact that just before he went to the park he had eaten a carrot and a small orange therefore he had to wait 6 (painful) hours.

After Dad, Jack, Bria, and I had eaten dinner, Dad and I went to the hospital around 8pm. While we were in visiting Landon, I almost fainted. :P Landon was in a lot of pain, so Dad, Mom and I prayed for him before Dad and I left for the night.

When Dad and I arrived back at the house, we went to bed. Dad stayed up until he knew that Landon’s surgery had gone well, and then he went to bed around 2am.

Landon’s surgery did go well, and it turned out that they did not have to put pins in his arm after all, that was an answer to prayer. After the surgery Landon said that he was tired and he slept the rest of the night through.

PS: This is December 7th post.