Day 9, 10, 11 All Combined

Since I missed the last two days I will combine them all into one post for today.

Day 9 we traveled back to the area of our first home, and stayed in the Golden Circle. It was the owner’s summer house, and our favorite stay in Iceland. The house was located in what seemed like a newish development. It took a little time to find the road, because there were no road names that we could see. There was a go-cart like car to ride around on the big deck out back/wrap-around porch. There was also a trampoline, we played Ga-ga ball on it every day that we were there. Bria and I slept in a bed together in a room and Jack and Landon shared a bed in a room. In the girls room Bria found a Yoda (Star Wars character) that she was particularly fond of.

Day 10 Mom took us to see a geyser and Gullfoss waterfall . There were many pools of boiling water that had really cool looking rocks under the water. The one geyser that everyone was gathering around went off every 3-5 mins. Sometimes it was really big and others small. We also stopped at a farm with what people say is the best ice cream in Iceland. It certainly was the best we had in Iceland. Gullfoss waterfall was a loud, crashing, thundering, falls. You could walk right tup the water and get wet with the spray/mist of the water. With all the mist we could see a really nice bright rainbow right over the fall. The upper drop is said to have a height of 11m while the lower drop is said to have a drop of 21m for a total cumulative drop of 32m.

Day 11 Mom made blueberry pancakes for breakfast from the blueberries growing in the yard outside! After breakfast we headed out to a nature reserve,Landmannalaugar, that is in the middle of mountains and the most rugged land. To get there we drove on the bumpiest road imaginable! that I feared was not meant for our car. We saw beautiful rainbows, sheep, rocks, and mountains. Finally we came around a bend and there, not that far away, was the place where we wanted to go, but to get there we would have to drive through a deepish ford! We all agreed that we should not risk it, so we turned around and headed back. Just as we were coming to the end of the bumpy road before the main ‘highway’ it started to snow. We were very glad it had not got bad when we were back in the park otherwise we might not have made it back out. Yes, the roads were that bad.The trip out and back took us all day and when we did get back to the house we then went to the store for some supper supplies and had a restful evening at the house.