Either driving, flying or walking

On Monday, September 21, we left Iceland and drove to the airport and got on a plane and at 4:10pm we left Iceland. We flew into London at 7:30pm and got out of the airport and had our new car by 10:30pm. Monday night we stayed at a youth hostel. The next morning we left the there by 9:50am. We then drove for about 5 hours and got to Fishguard, by 2:00pm, to get on a ferry and we sailed for 3 1/2 hours until we got to Ireland. I did not enjoy the boat ride at all. I got sea sick very fast. Jack, Bria, and Landon did not mind the boat ride. They just played video games the whole time. I played very little games because I was feeling yucky because it made me feel worse to play. I just sat there and tried to endure the sick feeling. :P

Right in front of us where we were sitting there was a gift shop. I walked into that shop about 5 times just to look at something because I was bored and not feeling well. In that store was a candy section, a watch and pocketbooks section, a perfume and candle section, and just other random stuff. Anyway, in the candy section I found a big tube of Mentos. The tube had 8 rolls of fruit Mentos. When I saw that big tube of Mentos I thought that is what I would like to get. So at the end when the guys over the speaker said that the shops will be closing very soon, I got mom and dad's permission to get a tube of Mentos, I ran in there and bought them. That big tube of Mentos in British pounds was 4.90 and in U.S dollars it was $7.43.

Our new car is great! I love it and so do Jack, Bria, and Landon. It is a black car with a sun roof over the top of the car so we can look out the top! It is so cool. When dad or mom turn on the car the GPS folds out and a little glass piece comes out so that the driver can see how fast he/she is going because it reflects the speedometer. Also when you lock the car the mirror's on either side of the car fold in. And when you unlock the car they fold back out. That is how you know if your car is locked. :) Also if the keys are not within a couple feet of the car the car automatically locks.

Driving in Ireland is very different. In Ireland you drive on the left side and the driver sits on the right side of the car. The roads are very narrow, but they are beautiful! There are still the old stone walls. The walls have ivy growing over them and trees arching, shading the road. Ireland is just beautiful.

I am sorry that we do not have any pictures of the ferry and the airplane that we flew on. We forgot to take pictures because we were in a rush all the time! :) The only pictures that we have of the ferry are of us looking out the window.

Sunday, Sept. 27th, mom took us to The Cliffs Of Moher. The cliffs are 2 hours away from where we are staying. Dad had to stay home and work. ;( At the cliffs we walked a lot of stairs! At one end of the cliffs the was the first fort that we climbed a spiral staircase to the top. When we were at the top we could see far and wide and the wind was fierce! The wind almost blew me off my feet! Thankfully I had my hair tied back and out of my face. The fort, called O'Brien's Tower, is 180 years old this year.

After the first fort we started for the second one. On this part of the trail there were safety walls, as I call them, because if you were not paying attention to what you were doing you could fall (we guess) 300 to 700 feet down to the rock and water below. People in my opinion are crazy, because they went right up to the edge of the cliffs and were taking pictures. At one place on the trail there was a memorial for those who have lost there lives at The Cliffs Of Moher.

We hiked for about 2 hours, maybe 3 miles there and back? The reason that we hiked so far was that we wanted, that is, Bria, Mom and I wanted, to hike to the end of the cliffs to see the other fort ruins. The boys got over half way with us and then they sat down and waited for us to come back. When Bria, Mom and I got to the end of the cliffs to see the fort I was very disappointed. The fort's roof had fallen in and there was a grave yard where the gravestones were all broken up.

We soon turned around and headed back to get the boys and then go to the car to drive home. We had a 2 hour drive home. We were starving and we needed gas for the next day. Mom made us wait a long time before she stopped and got gas and sandwiches. When we got home Dad had dinner almost ready to eat!