I need a picture of this and that

We came to Scotland on a ferry.

So far, I like the kilts.
I like castle ruins.

The [traffic] signs are different than we have in the States. I don't always know what they mean.

I like thatched roofs.

We stopped for ice cream and I tried a new flavor, 'Irn Bru'. [based on a popular Scottish soda pop] Betsy thought it tasted like bubble gum but I thought it tasted like beer. [What?!!] I also had some chocolate. Their chocolate is so good!

We went to a B & B. They had birds I liked, a parrot and a cockatoo. And a golden retriever. Saturday breakfast. I ordered an Scottish Breakfast. It was haggis, a scone, [baked]beans, back bacon, fried egg, toast, orange juice. But I first started with cold cereal, it was chocolate flakes. Mom asked me if I had a long, hollow leg.

Then we drove and drove and drove to Edinburgh. We went to Edinburgh Castle. It was very war-like. [it is actually more of a garrison] They have a one o'clock gun that they fire every day [but Sunday]. It made me jump.

The dungeon was way different than the one we saw at Bunratty [a castle in Ireland]. The prisoners walked in and slept in hammocks; at Bunratty, they threw the prisoner in [and left them to die]. I didn't like the history, too much war. There was a cannon that would have fit me inside the barrel, called a siege cannon. It was cast iron, with castiron rims on the wheels.

The castle was first a village that 3 hunters founded on that spot. It was on a very high mountain so that it was hard to take over the [now] castle.
The rock that the castle is on was formed by a volcano, a long time ago, about 3 thousand years ago; no, millions of years ago.

I want a Rackett when I grow up. It is an exploding [musical] instrument sounding like a bumble bee trapped in a tube.

The next day we went back to Edinburgh and took a walking tour.
I liked the story of Bobby. He was a dog, a Skye Terrier. When his mastered died, he stayed by his grave for 13 years. And Then Bobby died when he was 16 years old. When he died, they could not bury Bobby in the graveyard so they buried him just outside the graveyard at Greyfrier Church [the most visited gravestone in Scotland]

Robert the Bruce was a king who was trying to defeat the English king. He failed 6 times so he ran away and hid in a cave for six months. While there, he saw a spider try to crawl up a wall 6 times, on the 7th time he succeeded so Robert the Bruce saw this as a sign from God. He went back, made an army, and succeeded in defeating the English king.

The lady who was doing the walking tour, took us to a graveyard and showed us the grave of Scotland's worst poet. He would barge into pubs and recite poems about how bad drinking was, he would stand up in church services and recite poetry, and in the middle of concerts too. One more odd thought: The worst poet thought he was going to be the next best poet in Scotland.

She showed us the grave of Tom Riddle. Many people would leave notes and cd's and stuff there.

I remember a lot of things but they are boring things.

I remember the Grassmarket. Maggie Dickson was hanged there on a gallows and when they thought she was dead with her neck broken, they took her away to bury her. On the way, she sat up and the driver freaked out, high-tailing it back into town. When they tried to hang her a second time, someone stopped it because they pointed out that she had already paid the penalty for her crime. And since you can't tax a dead person [for her death certificate had been signed], she never had to pay taxes the rest of her life, 25 more years.

We saw a whole, roasted pig in a shop window. We went in and got pork b-b-q sandwiches there.

And I like Rugby.

"Mom, can I tell a joke?"


The Scots are known for kilts, bagpipes, plaid, whiskey, shortbread, and tape.
