"I'll be seeing you!"

Last week I was thinking about our trip when I heard an airplane going over our house, coming in low to land at Harrisburg International Air; I said aloud, "I'll be seeing you!". My brother looked at me like WHAT?...! Mom came into the kitchen, she said that I should write a blog post about it so here I am writing one! On the day that airplane went over our house, it made me think of the story, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. If you have read the book you will know what I am talking about. If not, in the story when Charlie finds the last golden ticket he runs the whole way home, and when he runs past the Chocolate factory he yells, "I'll be seeing you, I'll be seeing you soon!" Well, when I saw that airplane I thought of that line.

So when an airplane goes over our house I think of what Charlie said. "I'll be seeing you! 'I'll be seeing you soon!"

My brothers and sister think that I am crazy. : )