Landon Unedited

I know one thing about them already,
They are waterproof.

Close to our last house, down in a canal, there were about 20 ducks. Some of them looked like turkeys. I went down and fed bread crumbs and sunflower seeds to them. They were very hopeful that I would feed them. I was throwing the bread into the water, and seeds. I fed them 3 times. They looked nice. I asked mom if I could catch a duck but she said no.

They have waterproof feathers on the outside and fluffy warm feathers on this inside.

Some ducks have long necks for diving and catching fish.

They eat snails, fish, insects. They eat seeds.

The females are called hens and the males are called drakes.

Some ducks have long and pointy beaks.

Ducks are related to geese and swans.

Their feet have no nerves, no blood vessels. They can swim in icy cold water not even knowing it.

Some ducks are called 'shovelers'. Some are called 'dabblers'.
The shoveling ducks scoop up mud and sift it out to get insects and snails.

Ducks live all over the world except for in Antarctica.

Some ducks are call Redheads, and CinnamonTeals. Some ducks are called Pekins, Buffleheads, Ringnecks, Wood ducks,

Some ducks swim underwater.

They can see in colour (dogs only see in black and white).

Some ducks run on top of the water before taking off.

The Wood Duck squeals, doesn't quack.

Some ducks live from 5-20 years.
Ducks only produce eggs when they have sunlight.

That is all I remember completely.

But they do make good meat for us.

(5 min later)

Mom! I remembered another thing!
Hm, now I forget what I was going to say...