One Year Ago Day 2

After finding our way through the hallways to where we picked up our luggage, we then started looking for our rental cars. We found Moms car first and Mom and us kids exited the airport while Dad went to find his car. The rain had stopped and in the early dawn light I texted Dad telling him, “We are waiting in a little pull off on Route 90.” Dad replied that he was still trying to find his car. About 10 mins after we texted Dad that we were on Route 90, I was looking around outside of the car and I said to Mom, 90 is the speed limit not the Route name!! That gave us all a good chuckle. After much waiting Dad did find us and we went to find breakfast. We drove for a little while and came upon a bakery. For the first time in their life, Mom and Dad got to use the Icelandic Króna. The lady at the counter had to help us out a little bit, and to this day we don’t know how much we actually paid for that meal in USD. The krona system looks like everything is so expensive, and it is too, but to understand it one needs to think in ‘pennies’. Something that say, costs $10 would be the Icelandic equivalent of saying 1000 pennies. Of course the exchange is not even up so 1000 krona was more like $8. Make sense?… So when we saw croissants for 600 krona, it sort of freaks you out but that would only be about $5. See, expensive, but less mind blowing. We each had a croissant and orange juice, Mom had coffee and Dad got a coke. ( btw, I don’t remember what those croissants cost…)

After breakfast we started out to our AirBnB home on a horse ranch. We were welcome to check in anytime after 3pm. We drove and drove, I think it was over 6 hours of driving; watching the gorgeous land go by so fast we did not get time to see it and let it sink in. We stopped at a cave along the way, but it was so cold, windy, and half rainy, that we did not stay long.

About an hour before we got to the house we stopped in Selfoss to find a grocery store and some place to eat. Selfoss was the last home town of Bobby Fischer if you care about chess and it’s foibles. We found a pizza place that made really good pizza. I loved it! It was artisan style pizza, very different compared to PizzaHut pizza. After dinner we went to the AirBnB house to rest a little while then went back to Selfoss for groceries. The store was called Bonus and their symbol is a pig with a coin stuck on it’s head.

When we got back from grocery shopping we were all VERY tired! We went to bed soon afterwards. Jack, Bria, Landon, and I shared a room. Landon was on the top bunk, Bria and I were below him in a double bed, and Jack was on a cot, which squeaked when he rolled over.