Persimmons Aplenty

Here in Europe as we are slowly trickling southward in our travels staying ahead of the severe cold; time has seemed to stand still in Fall, I am delighted to be able to experience some of the benefits. When the late Fall arrives and the persimmons are in season, I will always remember my Grandma Wenger's fondness for this mellow and smooth fruit, although I attribute my Grandma Miller's enjoyment and instruction about them as the foundation for my own interest. Recently I was quite pleased to be able to obtain some of these fruits in quantity only limited by my capacity to consume it. The lovely olive grove we were living among also hosted a number of these generously fruitful persimmon trees. But why do the finest fruits always appear to be on the inaccessible top of the tree?
Betsy and I picked a box full to take with us when we left Tuscany and now it is soon empty. Just in time to be packing up to head back to Paris to return to winter in PA.
See you all soon!