The great fishing trip

After a morning that seemed to go in a flash and a early afternoon spent going on a long 2 hour horse ride, I wanted to go on a small fishing trip down to a river nearby the house. I had high hopes as I left and started to walk down a trail behind the barn. My spirits were lowered when the trail went straight into an irrigation ditch instead of to the river.

After a second, I went left with the idea I would cut across a field to the river. After roughly 30 feet, I came to a field that looked suitable to cross. It was 100 yards of a temporarily empty horse pasture that brought me to what appeared to be a dirt wall/hill. It was not until I was on top of it that I realized it was a pile of horse dung with grass growing on top!!!

I went down to the bank thinking that it was too small to be the largest river in Iceland, the Susquehanna is wider than it. My first cast was a rotten cast and it landed two feet in front of me!!! I realized the wind was against me. It would be impossible to cast more than a few feet. Thinking about going home, I remembered the horse ride earlier when we came close to a part of the river, if my sense of direction was right the wind would be with my cast. I started walking upriver. Knowing it would be a long walk I decided to take what I thought would be a shorter way to walk. I cut across a pasture into another walking path beside a canal, looking for a bridge to cross. Soon I came to the end of the pasture and not seeing a bridge, I turned back, but choose not to go on a trail that led to the farm but rather to find a new place to fish.

I went back to a different place on the bank to try to fish now that the wind had died down. Trying to get to a good place to fish I got wet and muddy. My first cast snagged on a rock on the first turn of the reel, it barely had time to sink!!! After a few casts, I gave up and I went back to the farm.

Writing this I estimated I walked 3 miles on the fishing trip!!!